Being in love makes us do crazy things for each other. Strengthening a relationship takes work and effort, and guys, too, need to be repeatedly told how much their girlfriends love them. The good news is, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to tell your boyfriend that you love him. Little signs of attention every now and then will be more than enough for him to get the message.
8 Simple Ways to Show Your Boyfriend You Love Him
Every person expresses love in their own unique way. What about your boyfriend? Is it flowers, thoughtful little gifts, compliments, small acts of attention? Think about the little sweet things he does for you, and it will help you figure out the best way to reciprocate that. Here are eight thoughtful, budget-friendly ways to express love for your guy.
Cook for Your Boyfriend
As clichéd as it sounds, there is a truth to the saying, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” If you love your boyfriend, cook for him.
Once he’s had good food, he’ll come back for more. Nothing says “I love you” more than a delicious-smelling home-cooked meal made especially for him. Candles and place settings are optional, but won’t hurt.
Find out what he loves to eat and learn how to make it. If you are new to cooking, don’t be intimidated. Stews are easy. Pasta can be unbelievably simple, too. Remember, it’s the effort that counts. When your boyfriend sees that you took the time out of your busy day to feed him, he will know that you matter to him.
Pick up Your Boyfriend’s Interests
Does he love playing video games? Does he live and breathe science fiction? Maybe he enjoys working out at the gym. A great way for you to tell your boyfriend you love him is by showing interest in what he loves. Sure, there’s a learning curve involved, but it will all pay off when you’re able to spend more time together doing all those things.
In addition, you can gift a collection of your most precious times doing this hobbies together in a photo book. With PrintedMemories you can turn moments into something you both can look back in the future. Hunting for these photos might prove to be a challenge but it certainly can be done.
Not only will your boyfriend know how much you love him when he sees you picking up what he enjoys, but he will be so happy to be the teacher, too. Nothing strokes a man’s ego more than being able to show how much he knows about something. Hopefully, he doesn’t get too cocky, though. You know how annoying your boyfriend can get when he beats you at something.
Now, when you have mastered his interests, imagine how proud he will be when he’s able to boast to his friends how his girlfriend beat him at a game, or how the both of you can discuss the plots of his beloved science fiction shows. He’ll be telling them, “She’s read all the Game of Thrones books. She loves Daenerys Targaryen, too. This one’s a keeper.”
Surprise Him With Handwritten Notes
Modern technology doesn’t exactly scream romance, so find the time to express how much you love your boyfriend by writing down some sexy love notes. Brighten up your boyfriend’s day by leaving these notes for him to find in his wallet, his favorite book, or in the pocket of his shirt. Get creative and express yourself.
His guy friends might tease him if the note happens to drop out of his wallet when he’s out with them, but he’ll also know how lucky he is to have you. If he happens to be having a hard day, finding your hidden note when he needs it the most will give him a sense of comfort to know that everything will work out because he has you.
Get Your Boyfriend Some Beef Jerky
Guys tend to give their girlfriends flowers to make them feel nice. Have you ever wondered what gifts are the equivalent to flowers for guys? When this question was posed to a radio station’s listeners, the top three answers were beef jerky, booze, and steak. Don’t limit yourself to those three items, though. Only you will know what pleases your boyfriend.
When you know what to get him, whether it’s beef jerky or that video game that he’s been wanting to get, put together a nice gift package. Better yet, have it delivered to him for an added surprise. To make this extra special, include a handwritten note. This is such a great way to say, “I love you.”
Put Together a Playlist
Mixtapes used to be a thing before playlists came into the picture, and nobody can deny how romantic a mixtape can be. But hey, let’s move with the times, shall we? Make a playlist of songs that have played a big part in your relationship, and share that with him. Mix in songs that he likes, too. Throw in a little John Legend in there while you’re at it.
If you want to challenge yourself a little more:
- Record yourself singing him a love song and mix it in there with the rest.
- If you can’t sing, autotune software can help you.
- If singing is too much, record a voice message telling him how much you love him and slip it in.
This is one playlist that is guaranteed to be always on repeat.
Make Your Boyfriend Something
Use your talents to craft something for your boyfriend. Guys like useful stuff, so keep that in mind. If you know how to sew, you could sew him a shirt. Want something simpler? Go back to kindergarten, make a pasta photo frame, and stick a photo of the both of you in there. Want to make him a toolbox but suck at woodwork? YouTube will come in handy for that.
Anyone can buy a readymade gift at the store, but everyone will agree that a handmade one holds a special place in our hearts. Make an effort, and your boyfriend will know how much you love him every time he sees this gift you crafted just for him. Score!
Ask Him About His Day (and Listen)
Compared to girls, guys don’t really talk very much. In fact, certain studies show that girls talk about three times more than guys do. Now, that doesn’t mean that your boyfriend has nothing to say. Try asking your boyfriend how his day went, and really listen to what he has to say. Don’t cut in to tell him how you’ve experienced the same thing, too.
Besides asking him about his day, you could ask about his family to find out how they’re doing. When your boyfriend sees how much you care for his family, he will know that you love him. If his family isn’t a good topic, ask him about his interests. For example, how is his latest book going? Again, make sure to actually listen to what he’s telling you.
Ask Him What He Wants to Do
How often is it that both of you are always doing what you want to do? How about doing what he wants to do instead? When he sees that you are willing to forego your favorite activities to accompany him to the comic book store or watch his favorite movie, he’ll know how much you love him and that his interests matter as much as what you want.
For all you know, all your boyfriend wants to do is spend time with you, with Netflix and popcorn in bed. It’s his way of expressing he loves you. How cheesy is that?
Find Out Your Boyfriend’s Love Language
Telling your boyfriend you love him isn’t just done with words. Little everyday actions, touches, kisses, and conversations go a long way to do that. Find out how he experiences love, whether it’s through words, quality time, receiving gifts, acts, or physical touch. This way, you will know what speaks louder to him, and you will know how to tell your boyfriend you love him.