The Internet is a very interesting place because there’s never a dull day there. Even if you use the Internet for an hour every day, you will still get enough entertainment. From TikTok to memes and jokes to roasts, there’s plenty of hilarious content available for free on the World Wide Web. But there are certain topics that people don’t feel confident joking about.
They are not sure whether it would be appropriate to joke about them or not. One such topic is porn, which is not something people would ever admit to watching.
Porn Jokes
Pornography has many forms, but none of it is available openly for people. The sole purpose of porn is sexual arousal. There are many reasons people turn to porn, the lack of sex education is the biggest one. Many teenagers turn to porn simply because there are things that they don’t know of.
Since the Internet never lets any topic go without making jokes about them, there are also plenty of porn jokes in the digital world for people to enjoy.
Script for a Movie
Like the different movies you consume, porn also has various types. Some videos are short, while others are longer and contain a story. Many arthouse films have also been made for those who want to watch nicely filmed and directed porn. But what people rarely pay attention to is the fact that a group of people have to make efforts to make such movies.
“I’m trying to finish writing a script for a porno movie, but there are just too many holes in the plot.”
Now, you know how difficult it can be to write the script of a porn movie.
The Internet has made jokes on every single topic. Another thing about the Internet is that it loves puns. You can find thousands of jokes on the Internet that are based around a pun. Some of them are so complex that it will be a while before you can understand what they mean.
Here’s a pun joke about porn that you will have to read carefully to understand:
“I just found an origami porn channel, but it’s paper view only.”
Don’t get it? No worries. It’s all in the paper, or pay per, depending on the joke you are trying to make.
The National Anthem
PornHub is the most popular porn website. Over the years, the website has faced many controversies, which has given a chance to its competitors to come forward and establish their own audience. But despite all that, PornHub continues to be a name that everyone recognizes instantly. Even those who have never been to the website have heard of it somewhere.
But what’s the intro music of PornHub? Here’s one idea for it:
“PornHub should call their intro music the ‘Smash-ional Anthem.’”
If there is one thing that is in abundance on the Internet, it is creativity. The joke mentioned above proves that. As a result, no one ever gets bored after joining the Internet. In fact, they keep coming back for more.
Tough Day at Work
There is nothing that workers appreciate more than getting praised by their bosses. It is the duty of employers to appreciate the good work of their employees. It not only improves morale in the office but also does wonders for productivity. But how can a director at PornHub appreciate their employee? This is how:
“What does the Pornhub director say to the porn stars after the shoot?”
“Thank you all for coming.”
Hopefully, you don’t need to explain with this one. If you have spent some time on the Internet, you would get it straight away without the assistance of anyone.
Porn Stars
Porn stars are actors who act in porn movies. Although people have different opinions on porn, porn stars deserve our respect like everyone else. They do their jobs and don’t deserve to get disrespected for that. However, there are some things that can make you lose respect for anyone, such as arrogance.
“My friend met a male porn actor the other day.”
“She told me he was really cocky.”
So, if you meet a porn star who is unnecessarily rude or arrogant, then no one would expect you to give them respect.
Should You Be Making Porn Jokes?
Jokes and stories are what we tell to spend time when there’s nothing else to do. In general, humans love making others laugh. Especially when you are in a gathering surrounded by the people you love, you would want to see them laughing. However, there are certain types of jokes that won’t go well with every audience.
There’s also a time and a place for a joke. For instance, there are some inappropriate jokes that you should never make, regardless of the kind of gathering you are in. But then there are jokes that you can only share with your friends.
When it comes to porn jokes, it should be a no-brainer that you can’t share them with your family members. You also can’t tell these jokes at work gatherings where your employers are also present. There’s nothing wrong with knowing porn jokes, but you should also know the audience for it.
When you are among friends who you are close with and who don’t mind such things, you can share porn jokes. It will definitely make them laugh and give you the satisfaction that you caused their laughter.
Porn is the kind of topic that people are afraid to discuss openly. But if we improve sex education, the mystery surrounding porn will disappear. When kids will have the basic knowledge they need, they will not turn to different channels for it. It is up to the government to improve the state of schools and promote sex education. It is also important to remove the stigma around porn. People should know that porn is like any other job and they must not disrespect porn stars for their life choices.