Menopause Dizziness

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Some women fear getting older because they think it means the end of their youth and beauty. But menopause is a natural process that happens to all women, and it doesn’t have to be bad. In fact, many women find that they enjoy their lives more after menopause.

However, menopause can also cause some uncomfortable side effects, including hot flashes, weight gain, and mood swings. One of the less talked about side effects of menopause is dizziness. Dizziness during menopause is caused by a combination of factors. This piece covers all entails of menopause dizziness.

Types of Dizziness

Dizziness types are usually categorized depending on how they make you feel. The four types are:


Disequilibrium dizziness is characterized by a falling or tilting sensation. When menopausal women experience this type of dizziness, there is imminent unsteadiness or balance disruption. These sensations are frequently accompanied by a sense of being disoriented in space and floating.


Women and other people that have experienced dizziness called vertigo state that they may feel like they are spinning, turning, or tilting. They may experience a loss of balance when standing or walking, and vertigo worsens when they move.


The sensation of being on the verge of passing out but not fainting is known as presyncope. It is sometimes described as being on the brink of syncope. In addition to these symptoms, you may experience lightheadedness, sweating, nausea, warmth, and weakness. You may also notice that your heartbeat is racing or your vision is unclear.


Lastly, when you have lightheadedness, you feel as though you might pass out. Your whole body may feel weighed down, get queasy and unstable, and break out in a cold sweat. There is a possibility that this will also impact your vision. A shortage of blood in the brain is frequently the underlying cause of lightheadedness.

What Causes Menopause Dizziness?

Whether it is disequilibrium or vertigo, a woman undergoing a menopausal transition must be aware of the root cause. And in as much as the connection between dizziness and menopause is still unclear, here are some of the purported reasons that could lead to dizziness.

Hormonal changes

Hormone levels alter periodically during a woman’s life, but perimenopause is when they begin to shift significantly. This phase of transition typically starts in a woman’s 40s.

The length of perimenopause can range from two to eight years, but it often lasts for four years. At this time, periods start irregularly and then end. Menopause usually starts 12 months after the previous period.

Some individuals, nevertheless, might go through menopause sooner. If an individual has a medical condition, underwent surgery, or received another course of therapy that alters their ovaries or hormonal health, this shift may occur earlier in life.

The ovaries begin to generate less estrogen and progesterone during perimenopause. These hormones are in charge of preserving the female reproductive system, but they might also be involved in the operation of other body systems that help you stay upright.

Middle ear

Your middle ear, vital for maintaining your feeling of balance, is known to be impacted by variations in female hormones. The inner ear’s otoconia, which is made up of tiny crystals called otoliths, is how the brain detects balance.

Before menstruation, some women claim to experience changes in balance, sinusitis, and hearing. Your ears might also be affected by menopausal hormone changes, which may lead to dizziness.

Hot flashes and fatigue

During menopause, fatigue is a frequent symptom that, if left untreated, can develop into dizziness. If you are exhausted, it will be difficult for your body to perform at its optimal level. If, for instance, you used to spend 2 hours at FairGo casino USA, you might find yourself getting tired after 20-30 minutes and even feeling dizzy in the process. You might also experience hot flashes, characterized by a sudden, intense feeling of heat. These hot flashes might make you dizzy or lightheaded and can also trigger fatigue and sleep deprivation.

Blood sugar levels

The proper regulation of your blood sugar mostly depends on the hormones in your body. Changes in hormone levels during menopause affect how your body reacts to insulin.

This makes it difficult for your body to maintain steady blood sugar levels. And alterations in the sugar in your blood can give you a feeling of dizziness.


Migraines are a typical period symptom that ends when menopause comes. But that is not the case for some women. In one study, researchers uncovered that some women might experience a type of migraine called epigone migraine vertigo. This migraine included dizziness and a headache that renders one immobile.

What Does Menopause Dizziness Feel Like?

As discussed above, there are four types of dizziness. And so this means that for each menopausal woman, the sensation of dizziness will depend on the root cause. Here are some of the sensations you may feel when experiencing menopausal dizziness:

  • Falling, tilting sensation.
  • Spinning and rotating.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Loss of balance and coordination.
  • Fainting and shutting down.
  • Migraines.

Whenever these episodes are too frequent or have reached a point of putting you in danger, please seek medical advice on a possible treatment for the condition from a licensed specialist.

Bottom Line

Dizziness isn’t an ailment but a symptom of numerous conditions. If you’re suffering it throughout menopause, seek medical care immediately.

This condition is unpleasant, but it can be treated medically. Treatment depends on the cause, but you can start by staying hydrated, eating well, and slowing down. If it persists, seek medical aid.


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