How to Become a Facebook Ads PLR Master?

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Advertising has changed exponentially throughout the years, particularly with the progression of social media. Facebook, one of the biggest social media sites on the globe, has become crucial for businesses of all sizes.

But advertising on Facebook can feel a little complicated at times. Understanding Facebook ads PLR and what it entails can help you to become a master of Facebook marketing. Here is what you need to know.

What is PLR?

PLR is short for private label rights. This allows someone to take existing content—think videos and articles—and market it as if it were their own. It also allows the buyer to take a more generic piece of content and gives them the right to customize it, in which case the buyer then has the rights and allows them to alter it however they need.

This plays a part in Facebook ads as well. PLR is part of the master resell rights (MRR) category. These allow a buyer to take a product and the rights to that product and resell it. In this instance, the buyer can resell that product without having to alter it. But that’s getting further down the rabbit hole than we need to go. Let’s see how Facebook ads PLR can be used to make you a master.

Tips for Facebook Ads Mastery

There are a few helpful tips when it comes to creating the right ad campaign. Here is a helpful walkthrough that can allow you to create the right campaign the next time around.

Setting Up Your Account

It all starts by setting up a Business Manager account on Facebook. All you do is open up the Facebook Business page and click “create account.” From there, you will need to enter in your business name, your own name, and a business email address before clicking “submit.”

From there, it is about setting up advertising access through the Facebook Business Manager dashboard. Go to the Business Manager settings and then find “ad accounts” under “people and assets.” From there, you need to click “add new ad accounts,” followed by “create a new ad account.” Now you are ready to set up billing and payment method information before going on to the ads manager.

Navigating and Selecting an Objective

Now it is time to log into your ads manager, where you will go right to the campaign management dashboard. Logging in the first time, you will see a blank slate. When you log in after the first time, you will see several rows of information.

Find the green “+Create” button to start a new campaign. From there, you will need to decide what the objective is as this will determine the other elements. This includes things like bidding options, ad formats, and how to properly optimize the campaign.

There are a ton of different campaigns and objectives to choose from. For instance, you can have an awareness campaign that is meant to gauge and generate interest and knowledge about your business. There is the consideration campaign where you can try to get people to engage with the brand, click on links, and more. Finally, there are conversion campaigns. These are not only to reach the audience but to get them to ultimately sign up for a promotion or get them to make a purchase.

Choosing the Audience

This is a crucial step as Facebook uses demographic information to get very granular when helping you to select a target audience. You can filter by location, age, gender, language, education, behaviors, interests, languages, and even net worth.

The ads manager will allow you to create your own audience or to use a previously saved audience. If you create your own, you can save it to use across other campaigns. There are also “lookalike audiences,” which are similar to other known groups that your audience may be fans of or otherwise involved in. The customization is incredible.

Setting a Budget

Every business has its own budget for advertising. In the ads manager, you can determine how much you are going to spend on each particular ad. There are two ways to allocate that budget: daily and lifetime spends. The daily is the average spent per day, and the lifetime is how much you spend over the life of the ad.

The daily budget is set to $20 by default but can always be adjusted when the campaign is set to live. It is always advised to run an ad for a minimum of a week, considering the various browsing habits and when the audience is likely to see the ads.

There is also CPM which costs for every 1,000 impressions. CPC, meanwhile, is when someone clicks on the ad that takes them to your app or website. These are the only instances in which users would have to pay for that particular ad.

Paying for impressions can be good if you are building awareness, while paying per click could be great for encouraging your audience to actually visit your website or download your app. It all depends on what the goal of your campaign is, but the possibilities are endless, and mastering Facebook ads is an absolute must for any business.


Having not only a basic understanding but a mastery of Facebook ads can be crucial to any business. It allows users to be able to manage their ads manually, targeting who sees them and when. The goal is to create as much exposure for the business as possible.

There are a lot of ways to use Facebook ads. But when you have the right guide, you can become a master before you know it, all of which can benefit your business and allow you to reach your target audience in the most effective way possible.


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