Women in particular are picky about their eyebrows, which isn’t surprising when you consider that the eyebrows complete the look of your eyes and can make them look gorgeous or unattractive. While eyebrows never technically stop growing, there are things that can cause them to fall out and make you wonder how long they’ll take to grow back fully and completely.
If you accidentally go overboard with the waxing or plucking and remove too many hairs in the eyebrow area, it can easily take you two to four months for them to grow back and look as good as they once did.
At What Age Do Your Eyebrows Stop Growing?
Officially, your eyebrows never stop growing, provided your hair is healthy and you don’t have any underlying medical conditions. Just like the rest of the hair on your body, eyebrow hair continues to grow until or unless something happens to make it stop.
As long as you’re alive and healthy, your eyebrows will continue to grow, though the growth may get slower with age.
How Long Do Eyebrows Take to Grow Back Fully for a Man?
Eyebrows can easily take two to four months to grow back completely. On any given day, your eyebrows are growing, and once they reach a certain stage, they fall out and then start growing all over again. There are three main stages of eyebrow growth, described below:
- The anagen (growing) phase. This stage takes 30-45 days and is the first step in getting full, attractive eyebrows.
- The catagen (transition) phase. This stage takes roughly three weeks and consists of the hair follicles shrinking and the hair completely stopping its growth. So after it gets to where it needs to be, it just sits there for a while.
- The telogen (resting) phase. This stage consists of your eyebrow hair sitting there for roughly two to four months waiting to shed so that it can be replaced by new hairs pushing through the surface of the skin.
Of course, some of this time frame is affected by how healthy your hair is and more importantly, how healthy the hair follicles are. Since men don’t usually wax or tweeze their eyebrows, the process is often much shorter for them, whereas if your hair follicles are damaged, it can take a little longer for the eyebrows to become thick and full again.
How will you know what the condition of your eyebrows is? In most cases, you’ll notice that the hair isn’t growing the way it should and seems extremely slow. In this case, you’ll want to visit a dermatologist to make sure no serious problems are lying just under the surface of the skin.
Even if the follicles are damaged, however, you can often decrease the growth time of your eyebrows by using some type of topical treatment. This can be either an over-the-counter treatment or a product prescribed by your dermatologist. Most are very effective and completely painless to apply.
What Causes Damage to the Eyebrows?
People can over-pluck or over-tweeze their eyebrows, and they can also resort to shaving their eyebrows at times, all of which can cause trauma to the hair follicle. This will both thin the hair out and slow down the growth of the hair. Shaving the eyebrows, by the way, does not make them grow back faster.
In fact, with or without shaving, eyebrow hair grows at roughly 0.14 millimeters per day. This is slow when compared to the growth of the hair on your legs, which grows at a rate of 0.27 millimeters per day. In fact, it is considered slow when compared to almost any of the hair you have on your body.
If it gets too bad, you can try an over-the-counter treatment with the ingredient minoxidil in it. Minoxidil doesn’t increase the number of hair follicles in your scalp as some people believe. Instead, it lengthens the growth phase of the growing process so that you end up with a lot more hair growing in the eyebrow area.
Keep in mind that if you choose to use these OTC products, it may take three or four months to see a difference in your eyebrows. While the products are effective, they are also slow-acting.
Things that can damage the eyebrows or otherwise cause them not to grow include:
- Poor diet
- Stress
- Too much vitamin A
- Issues with your thyroid
- Bacterial, fungal, or viral infections
- Psoriasis or acne rosacea
- Alopecia
- Impulse control disorder (trichotillomania)
- Certain medications, such as some hormone replacement therapies and beta blockers
- Not eating enough protein
If you want to help your eyebrows along, you can try certain products made just for eyebrows, including regrowth serum or even collagen supplements. Some people even try microshading or tinting of the eyebrow, all of which affect each person differently.
The best recommendation for people with eyebrows they’re unhappy with is to check with your doctor if the problem is severe, and make sure you research any OTC or prescription product thoroughly before using it to be on the safe side.
Will My Eyebrow Grow Back After I Did a Cut on It?
Regardless of what you did to your eyebrow, it should grow back as long as the hair follicle itself isn’t damaged. It may feel like the damage is permanent and that your eyebrow will never return, but that is simply not the case. The only unpleasant result is that the eyebrow might look funny as it is growing back, but it will eventually grow back and look good again.
While eyebrows rarely stop growing even in old age, shaving, plucking, or tweezing them can cause them to grow a lot slower. The good news is, there are numerous remedies that have proven to be very effective and can help you grow out your eyebrows much faster. While using oils on your eyebrows usually doesn’t work, many other products do.
Most of these products are easy to find and inexpensive, but if you have any concerns whatsoever, you can always visit a dermatologist and receive the advice and assistance you need to get your eyebrows back.