The world is becoming a difficult place to live with each passing year. Unemployment, bankruptcy, and insanely rising prices have become the bane of human existence. As a devout Christian, you might have some questions on your mind.
- What are the general teachings of the Bible about money?
- What is frugal living?
- What does the Bible say about being frugal?
- Is collecting wealth a bad thing?
- What does the Bible say about debt?
It is important to understand what the Bible has to say on all these issues so that you can get a bearing for right and wrong.
What Is Frugal Living?
Frugal living means living on a strict budget. You allocate a fixed amount to savings and investments and spend a small amount on your necessities. Some people can take frugality to an extreme, which is not a good behavior as that can lead to issues such as pinching every single penny.
Frugality is not the same for every person. For some people, it is when you spend less on buying something. If you use coupons to buy things, that can come under the umbrella of frugal living. The same goes for buying clothes and shoes from thrift stores.
Another major aspect of frugal living is to buy less overall. If you do not need that fifth pair of blue jeans, then even buying it from a thrift store does not come under frugality. You need to eliminate all excessive buying behaviors and generally move away from a hoarding mindset.
What Does the Bible Have to Say About Being Frugal?
The Bible says that you need to remember at all times that God is going to provide for you. Your daily bread has been promised by Him and you need to stay confident about that. Once you feel that confidence in every fiber of your being, you will be able to practice frugal living. Frugality comes from the heart.
Money is a great test for the heart. Overspending or miserliness are both discouraged by the Bible. Both of these traits come from the heart and what is inside it. God expects humans to be mindful of their spending behaviors. If you overspend, it could mean that you are greedy at heart. On the flip side, if you are a miser, it could mean that in your heart you believe that God is going to provide through this intense control over your spending.
There are many advantages to being frugal. You do not overindulge in things so life retains its charm. You will find happiness in even the smallest of gifts that God sends your way. Moreover, if you are truly frugal, you will stay away from hoarding and greedy behavior. These are sins that reduce your treasures in heaven. So it is beneficial for you in both the worlds.
Is Collecting Wealth a Bad Thing?
The Bible certainly does not completely discourage the idea of having money to spend. The love for money is rejected by God. Bible verses about money clearly command that humans should not start relying on their wealth blindly. Money is not permanent and becoming arrogant or proud because of it is a major sin.
If the money that you own makes you look down upon people, you are increasing your sins. The Bible also talks about money earned through lawful means. It should also be saved for lawful purposes and good deeds such as charity.
The Bible commands people to build up their wealth in heaven and not on earth. It means that if you give away from your wealth for the sake of charity, you are building up treasure for yourself in the hereafter.
What Is Debt?
Debt is a part of most daily transactions. The credit card that you swipe at the gas station and grocery stores is also a debt. That is actually the most common form of it these days. Debt is something that you owe to someone or something that is due upon you to be paid to someone.
When you attach morality to debt, you are actually forming opinions about the person who took the debt and judging them based on it. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong because in most cases people do not take up debt willingly. A lot of people are forced to do it because of their circumstances.
What Does the Bible Say About Debt?
Reliance on debt can be seen everywhere around us. Governments rely heavily on borrowing to meet budget constraints. It has become quite normal to borrow money from others to get past a situation. However, to stay firm in your faith, it is important to understand what the Bible verses about finances.
The Bible does not categorize debt as a sin. In fact, people have been led to believe that debt is a result of disobedience. However, the main message of the Bible regarding debt is that it should be paid back, canceled, or forgiven. Most of the scriptures talk about your response to the debt and very few talk about how it should be avoided.
In some cases, debt becomes necessary so it should not be completely written off as something that is forbidden.
What Does the Bible Teach You About Money?
The Bible gives teachings on most topics pertaining to a human’s life. It is important to understand that money itself is not the root of all evil like we are led to believe. There are so many good deeds that can be committed with the help of money. You can help out a poor family with their groceries or finance an underprivileged student’s education.
It all depends on how you earned the money and how you choose to spend it. God has promised that He will provide for all of your needs, so you do not have to run after money or make it your only reason for living. Some people shift money to the center of their lives and they lose all other purposes in life. That kind of obsession can only cause harm.
The Bible instructs that you need to be content with whatever God sends your way so that you may find happiness in it. Any discontent that you may feel will turn into greed over time and that is a major sin.
The Bible has given clear instructions on lawful earnings and how they should be collected or spent to live a decent life in this world and collect rewards for heaven. If you are a devoted Christian, it is important that you learn from these teachings and practice mindful spending and frugality.
If you follow the Bible carefully, you will not stray and it will teach you how to make sure that your wealth benefits you and those around you. It will also ascertain that you do not use your wealth to commit any sins.