Vue vs React

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Vue.js and React.js are two well-known frontend frameworks in the developer community, and they alternately take the title of “most loved, utilized, or popular” every year. Both technologies offer a realistic way for developers to create a variety of Web apps, but each has a best-case scenario and a set of business needs that are exclusive to it.


Vue: What Is It?

When creating modern front-end web applications, Vue is a versatile and portable JavaScript-based framework that provides robust web tools. The ability to modify an application’s code without compromising any essential functionality, which enables the development of progressive UI, is another reason why Vue is recognized as a flexible and evolutionary JavaScript framework:

The Advantages

  • As it gives Options API for low-complex scenarios and Composition API for more complicated scenarios like developing whole apps using Vue, it is straightforward to master and simple to get started.
  • Following the establishment of the basics, it has several excellent official libraries for state management and routing (Vue Router).
  • Like the majority of open-source languages and frameworks, vue.js is surrounded by a friendly and committed community. Along with a Discord chat room and forum, there are over 91,000 queries on Stack Overflow with the tag “vue.js.”

Describe React

React is a JavaScript package that is free and open source that may be used to build web applications with complex user interfaces. React enables quicker development times by allowing developers to create reusable custom components.

Additionally, its short page load time makes it, even more, search engine friendly. Overall, it’s a great library that supports the development of applications.

The Advantages

  • It includes a ton of instruction manuals, guides, and training resources. Anyone with JavaScript development experience can pick up React fast and start creating web applications.
  • Your process must be created in React. This is a more challenging route than using the numerous ready-made features provided by other JavaScript frameworks, which are incorporated into the framework.
  • React’s popularity has increased in part because of its excellent set of developer-friendly features.

React and Vue.js are Comparable

To start, let’s briefly review what Vue and React have in common and why that makes them so well-liked among developers. Vue and React are both quite popular among developers for a variety of reasons.

  • Instead of updating the entire page as is the case with traditional DOM, React and Vue updates just the objects that have changed, saving time and resources that would otherwise be needed for extensive DOM modifications.
  • Component-based UI development – Vue and React’s substantial component libraries facilitate code reuse, boost developer efficiency, and expedite development.
  • Routing, state management, and other issues may wait while you concentrate on the view library.
  • JavaScript usage: Since both React and Vue are somewhat dependent on JS, developers who are already familiar with this language may pick up both frameworks quickly.

Development for Mobile


React Native is a JavaScript framework for building cross-platform iOS and Android apps that aids React developers in producing mobile apps. It debuted at the beginning of 2015 and is React-based. Native components have JS bindings and are wrapped in React, but it does not employ WebView and HTML technologies. Actually, Android support for React Native is more dynamic than iOS support, while iOS support is still superior.

PWA web development is another one of React’s use cases. Since 2015, progressive web apps, or PWAs, have gained popularity. Although these apps were created using web technologies (CSS, HTML, and JavaScript), they have native mobile app-like functionality.


On the other hand, NativeScript (NS), which is partnered with Vue.js, enables you to create cross-platform apps utilizing XML, CSS, and JavaScript. Although they have certain variations, NativeScript and React Native both address the same issue.

  • When using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, NativeScript grammar and implementation is significantly simpler for a web developer to grasp. The construction of markup in XML is likewise comparable to that in HTML.
  • NativeScript has direct access to the native platform API.


With corporate support and a huge open-source community, React has established itself as a market leader. Because of the library’s increased scalability, you can develop enterprise-level applications that are more intricate.

Frontend development phenomenon Vue is on the rise. Because of its more traditional syntax, converting old applications to Vue is simpler.


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