Learn How to Get Creatively Inspired

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If you’re an artist or a writer, or if you simply love to be inspired so you can be more creative both professionally and personally, it is not as difficult as you think.

Even people who only have a tiny spark of creativity inside of them can learn how to increase their creativity greatly if they know how.

In fact, most people are surprised by their creativity once they get started because inside of every one of us is at least a small amount of creativity. Let’s take a look at some ways to increase your creativity level.

How to Get Creatively Inspired: 10 Suggestions

1. Stalk Someone You Admire

Okay, you shouldn’t literally stalk someone, but you can follow them on social media pages and read about them in order to learn about their habits and the tools they use to be successful at their craft.

It doesn’t even matter what this person does for a living—they can do the same thing you do or something different, but if you’ve always admired someone, try to copy what they’ve done to be successful.

2. Change Your Routine a Little

Many people do the same thing day in and day out, but if you’re not getting the results you want and you want to feel more inspired, try changing up your daily routine every now and then.

Inspiration can be found anywhere in the universe, so consider things such as going a different route to get home, shopping at a different grocery store, or preparing a meal you’ve never tried.

3. Get Moving

If you don’t exercise regularly, you should start doing so. Being active physically also affects your emotional outlook on life, so even if you only take a 15-minute walk every day, it can go a long way to inspire your creativity.

Exercise clears your mind so you can think better, so you’ll be surprised to discover that it can also spark your creativity.

4. Write in Your Journal Daily

If you don’t keep a journal, there’s no time like the present to start. The more you write in a journal, the more ideas will pop up without you even realizing it.

Because you’re writing down your thoughts and ideas, other sparks of creativity will appear, and again, it might surprise you to find tons of creativity prompts every time you write.

5. Try a Networking Group

This group can be virtual or in-person, but networking with other like-minded individuals can be a huge perk when you’re trying to be more creative.

If you’re a writer, join a writer’s group, but if you join a visual artist group instead, that’s just as good. Creativity is the same regardless of how it’s expressed, so finding your inspiration among these people should be easy.

6. Start Listing to Podcasts

These days, there are podcasts on every topic imaginable, so find a series that consists of motivational shows and start listening to them on a regular basis.

The more you listen to different shows, the easier it’ll be to find something that applies to you and gives you some great ideas in the end. Motivational speeches are never a waste of time.

7. Keep a Small Notebook with You at All Times

You never know when an inspirational idea will hit you, so bring a small notebook with you wherever you go. When an idea pops into your head, write it down immediately before you forget it.

This way, you can use it later on when you’re looking for something to draw or write about and you’re not sure how to get started.

8. Give Yourself Regular Rewards

Reward yourself every time you accomplish a goal, and the reward you choose doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming.

If you love frozen yogurt, go and get some after you’ve achieved a certain goal—even if it’s a small goal! All of these actions will help keep you motivated and will actually keep the creative ideas flowing on a regular basis.

9. Start Being a People-Watcher

If you go to the mall or some other public area and start watching the people around you, paying attention to everything they say and do, you might be surprised that these things give you some interesting ideas for your next creative session.

It is said that the average person’s life can give you tons to write about, and it won’t take you long to find out this is true.

10. Once a Week, Take an Electronics Break

One day a week, it’s beneficial to turn off all electronics, especially your computer or tablet, and simply enjoy other things, including nature.

Go bird-watching, take a walk in the park, or just sit outside in your backyard and listen to music. When your head isn’t clogged with the limitations of technology, you’re going to be amazed at what pops up there!


Being inspired and learning ways to get more creative is easy if you know how to start. Raising your creativity bar is much easier if you pay attention to what’s going around you and practice habits or hobbies that spike creativity.

In most cases, you’re going to be very surprised by the things that are popping into your head!

Whether you write, draw, or do anything else creative, it’s good to know that getting rid of writer’s block or drawer’s block is much easier if you get yourself out there and pay attention to everything going on around you. There is inspiration everywhere!


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